
WIP: Ork Stormboyz

Heyhey, after a whole lot of Polish lancers and right before getting started on some more Harlequins I’ll see that I get a bit of a head start on some Orks. First: 64 Stormboyz. I split them into two batches of 32 to make it…

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WIP: Deathguard Blightlord Terminators

Seriously, I’m having the craziest week. Everything that can break is breaking. One of my 3D printers broke, my motorbikes rear disc and pads needed replacing, my Dyson vacuum cleaner broke… Find out after the jump why I’m saying all this.  Anyone who knows me,…

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WIP: Underworlds Ylthari’s Guardians #1

I desperately need to catch up with Garfy, who already completed his first warband, and my fellow #taleoftuesdays painters. I’m furiously painting my Ylthari’s Guardians and making good progress. Ahnslaine on the left is pretty much done, Gallanghann just needs a few highlights on his…

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Age of Sigmar

WIP: Stormcast Evocators

Did you see my last post about finishing a project a week? This week’s project are the three Evocators from the Age of Sigmar Soul Wars boxed set. The Underworlds Night Vault Warband has two Evocators so this gives my army a unit of five….

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WIP: Dark Angels Phobos Lieutenant and Captain

Quick post to share what I’m working on this weekend. I got the Vanguard Lieutenant and Captain in Phobos armour when Shadowspear was released and I’ve been meaning to get them painted and added to the collection. Batch painting both at the same time seemed…

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