WIP: Necromunda Goliath Gang #1
Next up is something completely different, a Goliath Gang made up of the current generation models. Long-time readers of this blog might remember that I lately finished painting a complete set of classic Necromunda cardboard/bulkhead buildings, and also own a painted classic Escher gang with…
WIP: Slaves to Darkness Chaos Knights
Work on the last 5 models of my Slaves to Darkness force is fully underway. As you can see I’m batch painting all 5 Chaos Knights at the same time, it’s a bit of a grind but I’m getting through it. After the jump I’ll…
WIP: Space Wolves Logan Grimnar
Hi all! A quick look at my current painting project: Logan Grimnar, Great Wolf of the Space Wolves. Although it’s an older model, I have a lot of fun painting him. I will keep him as a single model without his Stormrider vehicle and his…
WIP: Slaves to Darkness Chaos Knights
Do you ever have a project that you have to grind through to complete? I’m at that stage with my Slaves to Darkness. These Chaos Knights are incredibly detailed. They’re amazing sculpts and I think they’re awesome but all the sculpting needs to be painted…
WIP: Aeldari/Eldar Spiritseer of Craftworld Iybraesil #1
Early WIP of my Iybraesil Spiritseer. Got this model in the Wake the Dead box, but didn’t get around painting it until now. Actually, I haven’t added anything to my Iybraesil collection for quite a while, sad. So it was about time 😉 The model…
WIP: Nighthaunt Grimghast Reapers
Working on a couple of Grimghast Reapers to compliment my Banshees and Thorns of the Briar Queen to form a Warcry warband. These are the multipart models from the Warcry Nighthaunt warband set, it’s the only box that comes with the cards for Myrmourn Banshees…
WIP: Tomekeepers Primaris Lieutenant
Check out this cheeky little side project. This mini was recently available to order on the Games Workshop online store so I thought I’d pick it up. When he arrived I didn’t really want to paint him as a Dark Angel because I have enough…
WIP: Slaves to Darkness Chaos Chariot
Do you ever pick up a model and you’re expecting it to be a chore to paint, just another model to slog through to get you one step closer to completing the army? I thought that with this Chariot but I’ve been loving it! It’s…
WIP: Underworlds Nighthaunt Thorns of the Briar Queen #3
The second batch of the Thorns of the Briar Queen. Bases are complete, and I did most of the basecoats and shading. A couple of highlights is all that is needed to get them finished. I have a bit of a hard time to find…
WIP: Marauder Horsemen
Just a quick post today to share my batch paint with your guys. As you can see the horses are finished and based andI’ve made a start on the Marauder Horsemen. I’ve drilled small holes into the feet of the riders and super glued lengths…
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