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I’ve just photographed all my Dark Eldar models specifically for sharing with all the great people who follow Tale of Painters. I’ll be uploading a new unit every day for the next week.

To start us off we have the awesome Razorwing Jetfighter. The price alone makes this truly incredible, a flyer model for just over £25.

I used my airbrush to blend black into VGC scurf green and then into hawk turquoise. Because it’s so stealthy (like all dark eldar should be) I didn’t want any contrasting colours on the model. I;ve had some negative comments about this which is cool and I appreciate all feedback, but I think people didn’t understand the design concept behind my scheme which is stealth.

To break up the large areas on the wings I did some subtle tribal markings in a harmonious colour.

The base follows the rest of the army and is a sandy rocky outcrop. I used modelling putty and stuck slate into it to make the rocks look more alien and jagged. Almost like knife blades.

Garfy's Get a Grip - now available on ebay