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So after I finished my Fire Prism (HQ pictures will follow once I get around varnishing it) yesterday I started painting a Farseer as a reward. So far I painted the purple cloak, the bone lining, the white sash and the red robe. I’m really pleased with the blending on the robe, even though it’s hard to see on the pictures above.
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Stahly lives in Craftworld Hamburg, located in the north of Germany. He has been involved with Warhammer since childhood and has painted several armies and countless warbands and kill teams over the decades. When he's not painting miniatures incredibly slowly, he's writing tutorials and testing the latest miniature paints, hobby tools and kits. He founded Tale of Painters to pass on his knowledge and bring inspiration to your hobby.
Hi Brother Captain,
I basecoated the cloak with Warlock Purple, built up the shadows with thin layers of Leviathan Purple, applied the highlight with a mix of Warlock Purple and VGC Squid Pink in thin layers as well, and finally did a thin extreme highlight of VGC Squid Pink.
@Brother Captian: For colours used have a look at Stahly's tutorial on Saim-Hann guardians.
@Stahly: great woork, as usual! Can't wait to see the farseer done!
Nice work so far and very good colour choices. What colour you used for the cloack?