Here’s my guide to painting Orc skin.
I start by base coating the whole model with Charred Brown. This has no benefit for the green skin but it does make painting the Orc’s cloths/weapons easier.
I then base coat the Orc’s skin in Snot Green. Usually 2-3 watered down coats is perfect.
I then highlight the tops of the muscles with Goblin Green, making sure I leave plenty of snot green showing through.
To add depth to the model, I paint a watered down mix of Dark Green and Black into the all the recesses. Whilst the consistency of this mix is akin to a wash, don’t use it as an all over wash, instead use control to target the specific areas that need shading.
Final highlight is a mix of Dead White and Goblin green. As you can see in a few easy steps you have a nice bright orc skin with plenty of definition.
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Very nice! I like the brighter color better than the darker one for the rank and file boys
Best Ork Skin tutorial on the internet.
Thanks very much!
Tale of painters is fast becoming my first stop for any hobby tutorials/ advice. Please keep it up!!!
Very quick… a bit bright for my personal taste but I can see how this would definately be beneficial across an entire army!
Very nice tutorial. Quick and effective. Good for mass-armies.
Easy, fast… and incredibly looking… THANKS!