Hey there, check out this Eldar Warlock I picked up on Warseer. No, it isn’t an official GW model, it was sculpted by Shane Hoyle, who is a freelance sculptor and was also briefly working for GW in the past. It’s a model Shane created for fun and some clever guy from Warseer decided to cast some copies of this Warlock in resin. I won’t go into details so the GW police doesn’t call him up, all I care for is that I got one of these beautiful sculpts to paint. All copies are gone at this point and there won’t be more, so please don’t ask if you can get one, too.
I really like this sculpt. There are some sloppy areas like the hair and the fur, but overall the detail is excellent, especially on all those charms and runes. I also like the defensive pose and the ornate helmet and crest, you could use this model for a spiritseer for example. The cast is well defined and already pretty clean, no warpage or bubbles, this is what Finecast should look like. The only major problem is the scale – the model is massive in comparison to other Eldar models. Anyways, this model will be fun to paint up and a unique piece to my collection. I’ll apply myself to him right after I’m done with the Giant Rats. Anybody looking forward to see him painted?
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Just noticed the post!! That is one nice looking Eldar model. I'd sure love to own one 🙁
One of these just sold on ebay for £135 :O
Very cool..nice to have one with a unique pose. hopefully we'll get some plastic kits in the future so we can pose our own! 8)
Wow! Can I get one, too?
Sorry, couldn't resist.
That being said, I'm pretty jealous, but then on the other hand there are few people who can do the model justice, and you are definitely one of them. I'm really looking forward to seeing it painted!
I want it ^_^
Great to see some scale pics especially because I have one copy coming to me in the mail 😉
Looking forward to seeing him painted!
WOW!Very nice model!!!
That is a beautiful model – and it's good you haven't gone into detail about its, ahem, production. If anything, Games Workshop's IP lawyers are zealous. 😀