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What’s up folks, SpaceShrimp here with my Tale of Tuesday update.

So far I haven’t really painted any of the skeleton/bone type players in my team (apart from the tiny skeleton in the ball) so I really wanted to see how my colour scheme would look on them. They have a lot less cloth and flesh areas than the other models, so I thought it would be a nice change and mini-challenge to make it look like it was a part of the the team.

In the true spirit of Tale of Tuesdays, I have enlisted some help this month, introducing my little sister to painting. Throwing her straight into the deep end, I showed her how to apply contrast to the zombie flesh and let her get stuck right in on my team’s second zombie. As you can see it turned out really well for somebody’s first attempt which is a testament to the innate skill of this first-time painter but also to the paints.

On a side note, if we compare zombies, this month’s zombie flesh dried very shiny in comparison to last month’s. I tried dulling it down with medium but that seemed to make it worse, so we actually ended up lightly scrubbing the model with a clean paintbrush to try and remove it. It certainly helped but as you can see there is definitely a bit of gloss visible. Tracing back our steps, I am still not too sure what caused the contrast to dry like this. I thought maybe some rogue products in my paint water or residue on the brush might have reacted with the contrast, but both were fresh and clean so it might simply have been down to not shaking the contrast pot enough.

I really like the sculpts in this set, they are very varied. I am still yet to pick a favorite as every time I paint a new model I fall in love in with it. looking forward to painting a wight next month as that will mean a complete set of the different player types.

Get involved and show me what you gooooooooooooot!

You can join us on the pitch by sharing your work on social media platforms (twitter, Instagram or facebook) using the hashtags:

#taleoftuesdays #taleofpainters #paintyourgames

Make sure your account is public (in case of facebook, set your #taleoftuesdays posts to public).

We want to engage with all our fellow coaches, so we’ll have an eye on these hashtags and stop by for comments and criticism. Every now and then we also feature your finished players here on Tale of Painters.

From all of your teams that were painted during Tale of Tuesdays, we pick our favourite team to win a Wayland Games or Element Games voucher to the amount of a plastic Blood Bowl team box so you can start painting another team right away.

We hope to see a lot of cool Blood Bowl teams painted! Until next Tuesday…