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Carrying on the proud tradition of hobby recaps and resolutions on Tale of Painters, today I share my plans for 2017 and recap what I actually achieved during 2016. Read on to see what I have planned and what I managed to get done.

2017 Hobby Resolutions

Might as well get this out of the way, I don’t plan to paint anything in 2017. I have no plans to start new Games Workshop armies. I will be painting existing models, but it will be sporadic and few and far between. Instead I’ll be looking to spend my time on other hobbies and learning new skills. This isn’t me quitting, just rearranging my priorities. 

2016 Resolution Recap

I actually did ok with last years promised resolutions. I painted the Imperial Knight, I finished Assassinorum Execution Force boxed game and I managed to paint a couple of Space Wolves.

2016 Hobby Highlights

The past year has been a real blast. At the start of the year I shared some ideas and advice for photographing miniatures which went down great with the community. Between February and April my Ultramarines and Tyranids took over Warhammer World and were exhibited for the public to enjoy. During spring I kept up the tradition of April Fools jokes on Tale of Painters with anAge of Sigmar Points Calculator. Throughout the year I’ve been recording vlogs on youtube, including a review of the new look White Dwarf in September, an issue of particular interest because Tale of Painters gets a mention in the letter page. In October I had the pleasure of working for Andy Chambers, the Godfather of 40k. He asked me to photograph his model collection. It was probably my favourite highlight of 2016. 

Black Legion Chaos Space Marine Sorcerer Lord – February

Hawkshroud Imperial Knight Crusader – February

Blood Angel Baal Predator – March

Deathwatch Ortan Cassius – March

Deathwatch Vael Donatus – March

Deathwatch Zameon Gydrael – March

Deathwatch Rodicus Grytt – March

Deathwatch Ennox Sorrlock – April 

Deathwatch Drenn Redblade – April

Black Legion Chaos Space Marines – April

Black Legion Chaos Cultists – May

Dark Angels Scouts – June

Primal Kings Stormcast Liberators – August

Deathwatch Garran Branatar – September

Deathwatch Jetek Suberei – September

Deathwatch Jensus Natorian – September

Deathwatch Edryc Setorax – September

Deathwatch Antor Delassio – September 

Primal Kings Stormcast Retributors – October

Primal Kings Stormcast Knight Vexillor – October

Dark Angels Assault Marines – November

Space Wolves Wolf Guard Battle Leader – November

2016 saw me paint a lot of single miniatures and very small squad sizes with only a couple of large vehicles painted. The amount I’ve painted is less than previous years and it feels very natural to slowly move away from the Games Workshop hobby and put some of my other interests first and learn some new skills. If you’d like to stay in touch and see my other hobbies (prop building, cosplay, photography and hopefully new for 2017, 3D modelling and 3D printing) then feel free to add me on facebook.  I’ll still check in on Tale of Painters from time to time and post the odd model. 

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