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For whatever reason I shy away from painting the newest release. I’ve got this whole ‘they don’t make them like they used to’ snobbery thing going on. Age my wife reckons. Grumpy old man. However when someone commissions you to paint the new powerful armies in Ole’ skool colour schemes who can say no! Pictures of the preliminary test figure (and a few comments on the new paint range) after the ju…*CLICK*

So this was a venture with the new GW paints for me. I’ve used them exclusively (ish) to see what I could achieve and was pleasantly suprised with the product (while remaining ever wanting the poor quality after market retailer customer service). The undercoat and base coats were done with vallejo paints (hence the ish above). I started with the airbrush primer, which over plastic was like a dream. It’s not very forgiving on resin so make sure you wash it properly. I then went for a Black/French blue mix base coat. About 70/30 which has resulted in the really deep velvety finish you can see below.

Highlights for the black were Fang, Russ, Fenrisian which I feel worked really well. I deliberately tried the 3 stage GW system rather than mixing paints to see if it worked. Judge for yourself, though I was really pleased…