Now for something kind of different: a (probably) one-off WHRP mini! Bretonnian female rogue to be precise.
I mostly painted the mini because I like how she looks kind of frail but due to the pose and the facial expression you know that she can handle a situation.
For some reason she made me think of a more badass version of Princess Buttercup from The Princess Bride so I painted her as a blonde in a plain red dress like the one the character wears for most of the film.
As you can see I also had a bit of fun with the basing. I’m not completely happy with it and may have to rearrange the bushes at some point but for now it works pretty well and gives the whole piece a nice overall contrast. I didn’t have all that much time to paint her but I’m rather happy with how she turned out. Let me know what you think of her as well. 🙂
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Thanks for the comments, guys. 🙂
@Laughing Ferret: Cheers. the bushes are a mix of Army painter ivy (not vey good stuff and a bit overpriced but okay for making bushes) and random bots of some kind of fern or moss (partly dyed green) from a no-name company. They were selling bags of the stuff at a hardware store around easter and I got pretty much a lifetime supply for 1€.
@Rushputin: Indeed. If you look closely, she even wears trousers underneath that dress. Unheard of! 😉
@Lasgunpacker: Cheers. It's interesting that the face turned out kind of defiant and aggressive where as in fact it looked much more vulnerable and "cute" when I looked at the mini unpainted.
@Anon: It's Alicia by Hasslefree miniatures. If you're looking for female characters they're pretty much the go-to place. If you're interested, I recently wrote a review of their stuff and the company as a whole here:
May I ask where you bought that model? As far as I can see it is not from Games Workshop?
Very nice, and that is a great figure. I was thinking of getting one for RP purposes too.
Excellent job. The basing is particularly impressive, I think, and I always like seeing female minis that aren't 93% naked.
Very nice, you've done a great job with her!
What did you use for the long bushy green plants?