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This is Tales from the Network, the semi-regular feature on Tale of Painters. This is the place where we will present you the best posts from our friends and fellow bloggers from the ever-growing Tale of Painters Blog Network. It’s been a while since our last update, so there have been quite a few great posts in the meantime:
- James Wappel Miniature Painting has a beautifully painted and weathered Storm Eagle.
- More flying Forgeworld goodness: An Imperial Fists Caestus Assault Ram rendered in a superb paintjob by Home of Cadaver.
- A must see Genestealer Hybrids army by Laughing Ferret.
- An Ork Bommer, all rusty and weathered, by the unrealistic artist.
- A nice Belial conversion by Dims’ Galleries.
- Some Imperial agents, beautiful conversions with all those imperial gothicness we love, by Pirate Viking Painting.
- Itsacoyote Workshop gives you advice which kind of Airbrush to buy.
- Flyers seem to be all the rage, here is another one: A Salamanders Storm Talon by A Bunch of Tactical Whatevers.
- War Gamer Hub reviews the Formula P3 Wet Palette.
- Brial Carlson Miniatures has a bunch of dangerously looking Necron Wraiths.
- Finally the new plastic Orc heroes in a Golden Demon worthy paint job by camelsonart.
Don’t miss the latest hobby updates from the Network by checking out the widget on the right – there are more cool posts hidden there that aren’t covered here!
Do you want your blog featured on Tales from the Network as well? Join the Tale of Painters Blog Network – we’re already over 190 blogs strong! Joining is easy – click here and learn how.
Stahly hails from Craftworld Germany and has been involved with Warhammer since childhood. He has painted several armies and countless warbands and Kill Teams over the decades, and founded Tale of Painters in 2011. When he's not painting miniatures incredibly slowly, he's testing the latest paints, tools and kits with German precision and a no non-sense attitude.
Thanks for the mention!!! Always appreiated 🙂
😀 Thanks for the feature!
Thanks for the shout! Some very nice work featured in this list!!
Flattered! Thanks for the mention 🙂
Just wanted to say many thanks for featuring my blog in Tales from the Network!