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Yeah, I reached the 200th blog post. Thanks to all my readers, spread the word, click the advertisments to earn me some cents back and enjoy the growth of my collection!
After having finished Clanrats 21 to 25 recently, I started with Clanrats 26 to 30. I did this on Saturday afternoon. I had to came to work on Sunday to do overtime (which sucks), this week won’t be better so sadly I don’t know when I will be able to finish them…
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Stahly lives in Craftworld Hamburg, located in the north of Germany. He has been involved with Warhammer since childhood and has painted several armies and countless warbands and kill teams over the decades. When he's not painting miniatures incredibly slowly, he's writing tutorials and testing the latest miniature paints, hobby tools and kits. He founded Tale of Painters to pass on his knowledge and bring inspiration to your hobby.
We are waiting impatiently for post 201!