Yesterday we’ve seen leaked pictures of some of the new Chaos Space Marine models, out next month. Go check ’em out, they are all over the internet (and the Tale of Painters Blog Network). Along with it came a glimpse on the cover of next month’s White Dwarf, one that will be the first of a new kind. On GW’s blog, now renamed “White Dwarf Daily”, there is talk about a big relaunch with every part of the magazine reimagined. They also increased staff capacities. And boy, how much White Dwarf needed that. I’m really looking forward to this saturday, I would so enjoy a better made hobby magazine.
What do you think of the new cover design? Do you enjoy the new, more stylish logo or do you miss the classic old White Dwarf lettering? The new magazine is rumoured to have more pages and a better paper quality, however it will come with an increased price tag non-surprisingly. 5,50 pounds for people in the UK, 8 Euro for the Europeans and 10 Dollar for our friends across the pond. I also picked up that there won’t be an ‘Eavy Metal Masterclass in this issue… anyways, you can expect an extensive review of the relaunched, or as GW calls it, “reborn” White Dwarf this saturday in case you’re not sure yet whether to spend your money.
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Love the way this is illustrated, going to be inspiration for my site.
This is nice issue and cool cover.
I really, really, really hope that this is going to be as good as it sounds and not a "polished turd", as Garfy put it so well!
I am also going to wait for your review. 8€ is a lot of money, and I am not sure if I am going to buy it this time. Last numbers have been like IKEA magazine…
I will definitely be waiting for your review! I appreciate it.
I hope they haven't polished a turd… more importantly thought I hope they haven't rolled a turd in glitter.
The logo is bland and forgettable. I hope they manage to bring back some actual content to the mag, although the higher cover price is anoying, it is expensive enough as it is.
And i cant fathom why they have spent all that money and time on a printed magazine, a dying breed, instead of going digital pdf mag.
Cover gets an A-…content….looking forward to Saturday. Cautiously optimistic (stupidly optimistic perhaps?)
I'm really looking forward to it. I hope it's up to what GW are stating on there site 🙂
Well I've taken a risk and resubscribed. *Fingers crossed*
I really like the new cover. I think it's a breath of fresh air and looks really crisp.
The best part is that they've got a colour background now, the white was starting to get to me!