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Two brave Primal King Liberators prepare to educate the savages of Ghur about the God King Sigmar.  More pics after the jump.

Whilst I rarely game I still like to organise my collection within the framework of a legal army list. I love the Azyr Army Builder App. It’s super fast to use and tells you if your collection is illegal. Sadly my force had too many ‘Other Units’. So I turned Stormsire’s Cursebreakers into an a five person Evocator and Stormsire himself becomes a knight Incantor. That freed up one ‘Other Unit’ slot. To free up another I bought these two Liberators on eBay to add to Steelheart’s Champions. Steelheart has a Grandblade and Obryn the Bold has a Grandhammer so they’ll have to part company and serve in different five strong person units or they can stay together if the unit they’re in is 10 models strong.

These two Liberators complete all the Stormcast models I own. Thats a fully painted 2400pt army! Just in time for the Underworld’s Dreadfane Game I’m getting for Christmas and Mortal Realms Magazine subscription in the new year. Like Sigmar’s brooding, it never ends. 

Garfy's Get a Grip - now available on ebay