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 Back from Mordheim again for a bit, here’s a little something for the Evil Sunz again!

Very cool model which you can go crazy on in terms of weathering,
details and so on. Loved it eversince it was released in 2010 or when it was, the only problem being that it wouldn’t fit with my Orks army in terms of style. All the better I got to paint it as part of a commissioned army of course. 🙂

Please take note of the bracers on the Ork. One day the driver, Snazzteef, started having trouble
what direction was left and which was right (probably a side effect of
the big zappa firing right above his head) so a helpful Mekboy made him
some bracers and wrote “LEFF” and “ROIT” on them so Snazzteef could
always check while driving. Now the only question is wether or not he’d  put them on correctly in the morning….