Here is the second wizard, which I enjoyed more than the first! His cloak is inspired by Leoparden’s work, with the minor difference that it’s not as good. But still, in the theme of trying out new techniques it’s not too bad. Go check out his log in the link, you’ll enjoy it. Bit more OSL, just to see if it works on an orb shape (teeny homage to the orb of Aldur here) and it turned out ok. The Vallejo gold kicks the ass of the new GW gold paints, which is a shame as the rest of the range is ok. I stole this gold recipe, but I can’t remember who from – sorry if it was you. More angles after the jump.
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I like your bases, I use the same color.
And the miniature is awesome, I really like the light effects from the ball.
lol – I'm going to paint at least ONE mini with a goblin green base, just for you minitrol. I do feel old at times… 🙂
Awww thanks. If you want it really old school remember drybush sunburst yellow then light drybrush rotting flesh ; )
Still not fan of the bases ; )
But the star burst is great and I love the Orb reference. Showing your age now..
very nice, are the stars done with airbrush?
I love the textures, and the folds of the cloak and the detail of the metal on the staff especially. The sheen and marbling on the cloak actually make the material seem magical.