Finally, here he is: Heavy Bolter armed Brother Toriad from the Space Marine Heroes Series 1. Painted as an Imperial Fist, as the model is depicted in the Space Marine Adventures boxed game. Find out more after the jump.
I painted the model with a classic approach. I used Vallejo Hobby Spray Color Sun Yellow, which is a perfect match for Yriel Yellow. Just remember to use a light primer like Wraithbone first, otherwise, you’ll need too many coats of Sun Yellow for perfect coverage and clog up all the details of the model. After basecoating, I applied a thin layer of Yriel Yellow for an even finish, then shaded the recesses with a mix of Skrag Brown and a little bit of Goregrunta Fur, with The Army Painter Daemonic Yellow and Dorn Yellow for edge highlights.
Painting yellow is hard. The yellow armour is certainly not my best paintwork to date, but sometimes, you need to get stuff done and call it a day.
I also painted an Imperial Fists Intercessor a while ago in the pre-Contrast era, for which I applied two coats of Cassandora Yellow over white primer, then layered Yriel Yellow, and highlighted with Flash Gitz Yellow and Dorn Yellow. Iyanden Yellow over Wraithbone would be similar.
Brother Toriad, or Brother Grimm as he is called in Space Marine Adventures, is the fifth and final model to complete the game. I’ll post a group shot soon.
Barnes & Noble US recently stocked two expansion sets with more models from the Space Marine Heroes range. I wish they would release them in Germany (or Europe) so I could get my hands on them, as I still enjoy painting classic Marines. The Space Marine Heroes range have updated proportions with slightly longer and chunkier legs (check out my review with comparison images here).
How do you like Brother Toriad/Grimm? Do you struggle with painting yellow, too? Leave a comment or reaction below.
Seriously clean look Stahly, fantastic.
I was just about to try out imp fists with a couple of spare intercessors I got for fun. Looks great- especially for the devil of a color yellow.
Thanks for the tutorial