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Here are five more classic Escher models I originally painted in 2014, and reworked just recently. I updated the basing style to match my Goliath Gang, and also refined the paint job here and there, especially the highlights on the purple armour. I added some more variation to the skin tones, and smoothed out the yellow transitions. Find out more after the jump.

As you can see from behind, I repainted some of the pants to add more purple hues to the gang.

Here you can see a scale shot with various models. I think the classic Escher models scale very well with the modern Goliath models, in my opinion even better than the plastic Escher models, which (in my opinion) have weird proportions with their overexaggerated hips, buttocks and high heels. Also note the poor classic Space Marine, who looks smallish compared to a Goliath ganger.

10 more Escher models to rework, but for now, I’ll take a break and paint something else. Stay tuned and bookmark the blog to find out what I’ll be painting next 🙂