I did it! The Venom is complete. How do you like it? Better pictures are soon to follow. If you notice, I didn’t use the Wych gunner that came with the kit because this Venom is meant to carry Trueborn Kabalites. So I used one of the steersman/gunner from the Raider kit, unfortunately I didn’t notice that those models have a far wider stance than the Wych gunner and only fit very tightly and only on their tiptoes on the platform. Looks a bit strange from behind. If you’d like to do a similar conversion, I recommend keeping the Wych legs but add a Kabalite torso.
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Thats looking darn nice 🙂
Yeah, I ran into the same problem with the gunner on mine. I ended up cutting of the feet of mine and re-positioning them such that they were firmly planted on the grating of the venom. This required a fair about of effort and greenstuff work to accomplish. In the end I am not really sure it was necessary.
Your venom looks great as it is! The patterning on the canopy of the venom looks wicked. Keep up the great work!
Thanks for the advice about the gunner: I am about to do the same conversion. It's a shame that the crews aren't more interchangeable.