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If I was not a chaos player I would play Orks. I think the 40K range of Orks have some pretty amazing models. The Deff Dreads are fantastic models to paint and even build. Yes build:) That’s a plus coming from me :). Again like the Grey Knights in a previous post I used a lot of techniques covered in Forge Worlds book model masterclass. What do you think of the finished result?
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I gotta say that is a stunning colour scheme!! What paints and techniques did you use? I am starting a Deff Dredd Mob army and this scheme is exactly what I'm after. I was going to go with a snow effect on top of this 🙂
Orks are my favorite. Great job on these 🙂 The minis are getting so big, they look like they'd look better on bigger bases- maybe a problem in the game, but just visually they seem like their bases should be bigger. Love the look of the oily dark metal.
Ramshackle yet menacing, nice job.
Oh man, I can't tell you HOW MUCH I want an Ork army with dreads and cans… I just love love love them… And yours look awesome 🙂