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I meant to show the Darkshroud earlier, along with the other Dark Angel models that I painted.But the swarm of recent Chaos models distracted me from putting her up. I think the Darkshroud is a bit of a odd model.In a lot of ways it reminds me of the Land Speeder from StarWars. But aside from that it was a fun one to paint and quite fiddly to put together. Hope you like. Anyone had any luck with the model in game?
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I think slysa’s comment is not fair. Ten is not posting his work for a competition. He simply paints with his personal style. it’s not there to prove any point about the way people should paint. If you like it, great, if you don’t, that’s fine, there is no reason to over think and get upset about this.
Hey thanks Ksenia. What I didnt point out to slysa was that I paint as a profession and most of what I show is for customers etc. 9 times out if 10 I get asked to paint this way. Which is fine by me as this is how I think things look good. But everyones entitled to criticism.
I probably just spend too much time on CMoN 😛
I'd like to preface this comment by saying I don't mean any offence by this it's just an opinion of mine.
I can clearly see there's quite a bit of skill in the way you paint but I can't help but notice every model you paint is very samey.
They're all some metallic sort of shade with no real differentiation between many parts apart from a bit of spot colour. It all just sort of blends in together and while this looks amazing with some models I personally just don't think it suits all models.
I don't know if this is just a side effect of painting mainly with an airbrush or something but the first time I saw one of your models (I don't remember which I think it was something chaos) it blew my mind but then each time I saw a new one I thought oh look another one painted the same.
One other thing that bothers me is that none of your models that have eyes ever have them painted on they're just black pits.
Now that I've written this it seems very negative and I'd just like to say again that I don't mean any offence and if I have caused any I am sorry it was just starting to drive me crazy and I had to say it.
It's just the way l like my models to look 🙂
I think in all fairness, we all have our own style and hardly get out of our confort zones.
TeN, I love your style. I've said it before and I'll probably say it again.
However, it doesn't work with this model in my opinion. The context of this piece is 10,000 year old holy relic. I think they would have looked after it a bit better 😉
The guys driving it suck at cleaning:) They are not popular with the rest of the guys from th the DA. They have a week to clean the speeder up otherwise they are fired and told to join Deathguard:)
A branch of the Inquistion called Ordos OCDious has been dispatched to investigate rumours of dirty holy relics 😉
They better be quick 🙂 Or these guys are going to drive of fast 🙂
All that blood on the speeder, like it was ramming heretics 🙂
The light effect in the inside of the cockpit is very nice, is that hawk turquoise + white?
I play a lot of Battlefielc/halo and Ussually blat a lot of players by driving into them. I figured this thing would do the same. I would if I had to drive it:)
I really like you painting style!
It seems that you have found a great way for painting metals for many of your miniatures.
Could you share your recipe?
You probably airbrush the silver on and do some washes and maybe drybrushing. But would be really helpful to hear the exact process 🙂
Hi basically I use the same thing to paint metal as shown in FW Books model masterclass. If you get a chance buy it.
Cool – I will look into that 🙂
Would you recommend Volume 1 or 2?
Just go for volume 1. The 2nd ones good too but does repeat the volume a fair bit.
Beautifully painted model 🙂
Wish I had the confidence to buy an airbrush with all the gubbins =( (any tips on a complete set at a low price would be great)
Only fault is the mold line on the gunners arm (second pic down)…I am choosing to believe you left that there on purpose to show us all that you are but a mortal as well – and not an evil painting daemon sent to mock us all with your mad skillz.
Dont mean to step on TeN's toes, but here are a couple of links to review on airbrush sets.
Budget one I use
More expensive one that Rev uses
I actually got the one from RDG tools and it's a great way to get started. The airbrushes themselves are okayish but enough for starters, and the compressor is very nice. After some time (and half a BA army) I got an Iwata airbrush and still using the compressor.
Nice, thanks 🙂
£75?? wow not as bad as I thought it would be!
And will all of GWs paints work fine? or do I need to purchase special paints?
Thanks again,
Can the Airbrush (£75) be used to paint smaller models? for example a single space marine or warrior of chaos? what I mean is the tedious base, wash, layer, highlight stages?
With any extreme highlights being done by a brush?
This is a useful link for a thinner that will allow you to use any model acrylic paint in an airbrush:
As for the two airbrushes that you get in the RDG set, they are both dual action so offer a certain level of control but the nozzles are slightly larger. Buy some smaller nozzles and needles and with practice you probably could highlight a space marine. Or you could just use the 45º angle technique favoured by speed painters and commission painters.
Hi Edd, I mainly use a Harder Steinbeck 2 in 1 airbrush. Ive probaly spelt it wrong. But I use that brush the most. I have a very expensive Iwata but I hardly touch it. If you live in the UK the company Everythingairbrush is a good site to call/buy from.