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Garfy: Welcome to the first post in the ‘Tale of the Mega Painters’ series. Before you ask, Stahly and I do not consider ourselves ‘mega’ painters, we’re actually referring to the megaforce box sets Games Workshop release every year at Christmas. When I saw Necron Megaforce, I pretty much knew I could use all the units in the box with my existing units to create an army and I could save some money. It really is a win win situation. There is a downside though. I now have a mountain of sprues looking at me, taunting me. It’s quite daunting to have an entire army to paint, so when I found out Stahly was in a similar situation with his Dark Eldar Megaforce, I made a suggestion for a joint motivation challenge. We’re not going to impose deadlines on each other. That would have a detrimental effect on quality and motivation. Instead, we’re going to encourage each other to take our time and do the very best we can.

Stahly: When the revamped Dark Eldar came out, I knew I had to start an army of them some time, as I am a big Eldar (and the mastermind behind them – Jes Goodwin) fan. When the Dark Eldar Megaforce came out in 2011, it was an offer to good to miss. As I had other projects last year like completing my Skaven army and painting my Escher gang, it wasn’t until now that I got back to my dark kin. Unlike Garfy, I love to stockpile kits before I start a new army. Nowadays there is so much interchangability between sprues that it pays off to buy a broad selection of kits, so you have access to all those bits. While I’m not a great converter, I love mixing and matching parts from different sprues to add more personality to my models.

Garfy: We want to document this hobby adventure with army lists posts, work in progress and showcase shots. Painting and converting tutorials. I’m even planning a guide on how to scratch build Necron Defence lines. This is going to be a slow burn project but with regular posts over the course of 7 to 12 months.

Stahly: I’m the culprit here, you know my accurate paint style. In combination with my often limited hobby time, painting a decent sized army often takes around a year for me even though I’m a steady painter. Also I want to take breaks to add reinforcements for my Ultramarines and Eldar. Let’s see how we get along.

Garfy: We also want the community to get involved and be inspired to paint an army. We will be asking for you guys and girls to email your completed unit pictures as you build your armies and Tale of Painters will be posting these on the blog, a perfect opportunity to get a guest spot on Tale of Painters but more on this at a later date.

Stahly: We hope you look forward to this ongoing project and enjoy our new armies!

Garfy's Get a Grip - now available on ebay