Today I can present you my finished squad of Dire Avengers. Actually, they’re only half a squad, but for the time being, they’ll stay a quintette. Check out more pictures after the jump.
Painting the squad was quite fun. I had some hard times because the fit isn’t as great as in more modern plastic kits, as well as the sharpness of the details, and then my primer went on a bit thick in places, too. Most noticable on the shimmershield of the Exarch, where the etched in runes are pretty much smothered in primer. What a bummer, but it’s not too noticable unless you look very closely.
Aspect Warriors are quite cool, because you don’t have to follow the paint scheme of the rest of your army and can go really creative. This squad uses a dark but vibrant blue as the main colour, with yellow and turquoise striped crests (turquoise is the main colour of my craftworld Iybraesil) and some magenta red details. The weapons are painted like bone like on all of my Iybraesil models.
The blue armour was basecoated with VGC Imperial Blue, then I washed Drakenhof Nightshade in the recesses. I applied two stages of highlights, first Caledor Sky and then Lothern Blue. Finally I glazed the armour with Guilliman Blue.
At first, I wasn’t so sure about the paint scheme and thought the models would become too dark with the dark blue and black faceplates, but in the end I’m very happy with the lot. They are colourful and stand out, while at the same time blend into the army nicely.
I’m not sure what to do next. I could paint a Wave Serpent for my Dire Avengers, or start my Forge World Avatar, or paint some more Aspect Warriors. I really enjoy the splashes of colour they add to my collection. Maybe some Fire Dragons?
What do you think and how do you like my Dire Avengers?
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Excellent work! Your Avengers look eye-catching wearing their blue armor with certain items that tie them to the Iybraesil Craftworld. I remember when the Eldar line got it's first major upgrade back in July 1990 with the release of new figures and expanded story via White Dwarf issue 127, it was interesting to see the Dire Avengers presented in blue when they were originally in all white armor. (see Codex: Titanicus, 1989)
Cheers 🙂 Have to find a copy of Codex Titanicus I guess 🙂
Those are sick. I really love the extra colors you gave the exarch. Fantastic squad overall. What is next?
Cheers. I guess Fire Dragons as painting these Dire Avengers aspect warriors was so much fun.
Be great to see an army wide shot of this force now you have quite a few models done.
Yeah, once my display board is ready 🙂
I wasn't too sure on these from the wip shots, just goes to show with figure painting that it ain't over til it's over. They look great, different from the rest of the force but tied in with spot colours, bravo!
Some lovely highlighting on the armour, I always think its best to break up painting the infantry in an army by painting either a character or vehicle after a squad, despite that the firedragons would be a significantly different colour scheme from the dire avengers so that you wouldn't get bored. I'd personally save the avatar for last as a nice centre piece reward model for completing the force. Great work as always 🙂
They look great, nice to see them finished
I vote the wave serpent then that is the unit finished
Loving the coloured crests on these guys and also the highlights around the eyes; they remind me of tears, very fitting for a race in decline.
As for your next project, definitely something with a little heat! Avatar or Fire dragons for sure.