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As promised – Genestealers!
…and for completeness’ sake, here’s the Broodlord again, and Gene, the Genestealer test mini:
Sigur is a full-time professional painter and founder of Battle Brush Studios.
As a passionate wargamer he champions variety in miniature gaming, be it figuress, rules sets or hobby supplies. His collection includes a variety of scales, historical periods and settings, such as Space Orks, Imperial Guard, Sisters of Battle, Dark Elves, Ancient Persians, Thirty Years War, Napoleonics, WW2 and much more.
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@Zab: Gotta love them. 😉
@Navarro: 😀 Well, it was worth it then. I very vividly remember your "Genestealer who ate [x]" series of sculpts/conversions from Warseer. Absolutely stunning stuff!
Funny that you still remember that project Sigur, It was so long ago. Happy that you enjoyed it mate.
I will do a small Killteam with nids soon so your painting really motivated me to it sooner rather than later. Thanks.
Genestealers are possibly my fav race in 40k, I just cannot have enough of them. Also its amazing to see that the old plastic model aged so well since it does not clash with the modern kit… With your magic painting skills all looks even better. Hummm I need to revisit Genestealers now. Thanks for the inspiration Sigur.
Classic rt era pj! Love it 🙂
@Asslessman: Well, standards aren't necessarily better than back then, just different. Okay, the general standard has increased insanely, but the look isn't necessarily better. 😉 Anyway, thanks very much. I really like the design of the old Genestealers. Bit more interesting than the current ones, but maybe i'd say that about the new design if the old one was the predominant one. I have to say though that I like the wider Genestealer heads. Those spine things are cool though, absolutely agree with you on that.
@Andrea Guiotto: Cheers, glad you like them. 🙂
@Anon: Thanks. Err, I think it was VMA Blue Angels Blue mostly. Probably some P3 Exile Blue too and lotsa mixes as always.
they look wonderful! What blues did you use?
Lovely work!! Will be of inspiration when it will be time to do my Space Hulk genestealers set!!!
Wow, excellent repurposing of the original Genestealer colourscheme to today's standard ! WIth this, the older genestealer fit just right in although I tend to prefer the ribed flesh parts to the spinal spikes (just a question of taste).
Great job.