Excuse the little three eyed skeleton in the far right bottom corner. It was my wife’s idea that I should have a logo. Since moving house I nearly broke my ankle decorating and have been limping around like a zombie high on Tramadol and had my old old laptop explode that nearly took my eye out. They say things come in three’s. Ones left.
Maybe that’s Tau. I as one was actually planning on after reading the Tau codex of ditching my Deathguard army and going the Tau way. I read in a lot of forums that a ton of competitive 40K player’s are doing this. But after much thought I thought I’d stay with Nurgles kids and try and kick the Tau butts.
Anyway I’ve painted a bunch of the new Tau stuff. Starting with the Riptide. Luckily in Kensington GW they have a lot of them due to not being the busiest store. I heard they are hard to find.
Anyone ditching the army they have for Tau?
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Hey thanks all 🙂
One of the best looking models I have ever seen. This thing could EASILY win some awards. A tutorial on the weathering effects would be AWESOME.
Great work! I really like this battle-worn look you have achieved!
I hope you can give us a small tutorial 🙂
Great paint style. I love it. Glad you're not just ditching your Deathguard because the new and improved Tau are out. Keep loyal lol.
I really do think a lot of people are jumping the boat due to the Tau codex being pretty good. But I thinks it makes me want to kick Tau butt 🙂
Awesome! But the mold lines ruin it
Great looking riptide! Glad to see you're not abandoning grandfather Nurgle.
Ha :)I'm definitely sticking with the Death Guard guys. Planning on trying to pick up a bunch of FW Thallaxs tomorrow at Salute to use as Obliterators. And maybe a Proteus Land Raider. I've still not even had the chance to paint my own models from last year due to painting other peoples stuff. But really hope I can make some space,paint the models and start playing.
Amazing paintjob!
I love how you've painted this great miniature (uhm "mega"ture?? 🙂 ). uhm… isn't it possible for you to post a brief tutorial on how you achieved this result? I see airbrushing, glazing and sponge,(i think…) but i'd like to know more and better because the result is so great…. @.@
He did involve a fair bit of sponge and airbrushing. Thanks for the thumbs up
Aye, I'm ditching my projects and going for Tau. An army that I've wanted to collect for a long time!
Excellent work on the Riptide and best of luck for the injuries.
Great work. Your style really comes through awesome on these vehicles! Not switching to them though.. played them years ago, and will stick to my Daemons instead! That and 15k+ points of them makes them take a bit more precedence here!
Looking forward to other pieces that you might finish up soon!
I'd love too but no ones buying my Dark Eldar. Nice work I was hoping you'd knock out some Tau!