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Hey all, I have been away for a week catching up on a whole bunch of models that needed finishing. So, hopefully things will get back to normal for me and I will posting more regularly. It has really been that crazy on the painting front, just like the British weather. Today I bring you 20 Dark Elves Black Guard that are from the same commission in I showed the Executioners and the Cold Ones. These guys nearly killed me. Normally I have a strong constitution for painting models in masses, but these ones took a long time. It actually felt like they would never be finished. Anyone else go CRAZY when painting models in masses?
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Please make a paint guide on these 🙂 they are the best black guards out there!!
I'd love to see a step-by-step for these. It's the exact same colour scheme I'm gonna use for my Vampire Counts.
The models are absolutely beautifully painted, and I'm amazed at how much COLOR you've gotten into models that are technically supposed to be BLACK guard, but they still read well and fit the background.
Bases are beautiful as well.
Although I have to admit, I don't think the standard lives up to the painting of the unit as a whole. Just seems a bit plain and unadorned for my taste. Although if this is a commission I can see how you might be working under the limits of the… commissioner. (?)
These are really really really nice. Keep up the awesome work.
Hey cheers, units are really draining sometimes 🙂
I hear you, when weeks pass into months and there's little visible progress it can be agonizing. They do look really great though, definitely a sweet fruit from your hard labours.