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This is my second HQ choice for the Black Legion force. I made this conversion because I didn’t want a second Lord model (already have Abaddon). Painting is moving along nicely. I’m using my tutorial to remind me of all the colours I used for my scheme. Is anyone else tempted to ditch their current projects and start an Eldar army?
What’s your Reaction?
Garfy is a UK hobbyist with over twenty years experience. He's a regular contributor to White Dwarf Magazine including 4 Armies of the Month features and has written articles for the Warhammer Community site. He holds 3 UK Golden Demon finalist pins and 2 Armies on Parade Gold award. His other passion is photography and cinematography, which he uses to great effect to deliver high quality content to the blog.
Some layering and some glazing. I think it's needs a touch more highlighting but I'm trying to keep it dark.
Damn, that is a sweet looking cloak. Is that all layering or is there blending in there too?
(and no, I would never abandon the gods for paltry space elves, however nice their new minis are. Well, maybe a kill team…)
I still love this conversion! Nice to see paint on it. Stick with it. The Eldar are a weak an dying race, ignore them it won't be long now… *ducks for cover*
Nice conversion Garfy it really is coming along nicely. And I get what you mean about changing your Lords up, it becomes hard being a Tau player to switch your Ethereals and Battlesuits up a bit without being a wee bit samey samey.
Also I think GW are taking the biscuit with this 9" Wraithknight model, I mean who knows we might be playing with Action Men on bases soon. Who knows what's going to come to the light with the next few new releases?
Nice looking start to that Lord Garfy once again.
Same here. Started another Eldar army some years ago (my third one, this time it's Saim-Hann), so the new 'dex and models really come in handy. Actually, I've always come back to Eldar whatever else was on my desk. My first love, I guess.
Oh, where are my manners! The model's looking great. After seeing your other BL models I'm really looking forward to the finished sorcerer!
Fortunately my current project is my on going Iyanden Eldar army which was started this time last year. Finishing a jet bike unit before I pick up a Crimson Hunter.