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Hey guys, I’ve finished my third and final War Walker, and that means the whole squadron is complete!  Check out more pictures of the third Walker and the squadron after the jump.

I feel such a sense of accomplishment now that the whole squadron is done. When it comes to painting, I least enjoy working on larger models (they usually take ages and are harder to hold in your hands) and having to paint the same models over and over again (boring). That means squadron of vehicles check all the boxes of things I’m not fond of painting 😉

However, thanks to my airbrush, painting the models wasn’t as time-consuming as thought. It helped that I spread out the models over a longer period of time – the first War Walker was in fact painted last June. Also check out the showcase posts for the first and second War Walker.

As you can see, I slightly changed the look of the War Walkers by using the sideways mounted heavy weapons from the Wave Serpent kit, similar to Forge World’s Wasps. All the weapons are attached with magnets. I feel the more streamlined look suits the more recently released Eldar kits such as the Fire Prism or the Type II grav tanks from Forge World.

I made custom bases for the War Walkers and didn’t use the scenic 60mm base that you find in the box. The debris comes from various High Elf kits.

Next up for my Eldar will be more vehicles. I think a Fire Prism might be next… so stay tuned! How do you like my War Walker squadron?