Last week I got around making my Ikea Billy bookcase dustproof, so I was finally able to place in my models! More pictures of my collection and the modifications I did to the bookcase after the jump!
On the top shelf there are the majority of my Ultramarines. They are my largest army so far and they’ll further grow for sure. I’ve already bought some more characters and a bike squad some time ago, they slumber in my pile of unpainted models. With the latest price rise I also bought a Land Raider Crusader before this model gets even more expensive.
On the second shelf there are my Eldar of Saim-Hann and also some of the latest additions to my Marines – the Terminator squad and the Cities of Death Captain for example.
The third shelf is currently a bit empty. There are more Eldar models like the Fire Dragon squad I painted recently, but also some random models like my Vostroyan command squad. There is plenty of space here for more Eldar models and the Necromunda Escher gang I’m going to paint once my Skaven army is complete.
The fourth shelf is dedicated to my Skaven army. As you can see, it has become pretty large. At the moment I’m going to put the finishing touches to the Giant Rats unit on the left. After that it’s a couple more characters and another unit of 30 Clanrats, you can see the built but unpainted movement tray on the right. I hope to finish them asap.
Below are rulebooks, Black Library books and White Dwarfs. I probably need to shuffle the shelves around to make more space for future armies but for the moment everything fits in.
To make the Billy bookshelf as dustproof as possible I used a 4mm thick self-adhesive weatherstripping tape made of foam rubber at the top and at the bottom. To close the gap between the two doors I bought a 2 m long, 40×10 mm wide L-shaped black plastic profile. I cut away the 10 mm side to create a flat band and attached it with double-faced adhesive tape. I didn’t attach the plastic seals that are used to hide unneeded boreholes for the door hinges as this would have added extra height which would collide with the band.
Of course the Olsbo Billy doors have a very wide black area where both doors come together which obscures a lot models, but the Billy Morebo doors’ smaller frame would have made attaching a band to close the gap between the doors impossible. Of course you can find proper suited display cabinets, even at Ikea, but for the price tag and the small space in my hobby room I’m quite happy with my new display case solution.
What do you think of my armies and my display case? Where is your display case from, if you got any at all? Any other great storage ideas? Tell us in the comments!
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VERY nicely done work on the display shelf. I agree with Sigur that it looks very classy, and I'm inspired to come up with an elegant solution for storage myself. I have a long-term goal of organizing my 10×12 foot storage space with glass shelves to display all my models, toys, books etc. one day and I would definitely want the whole shebang to be dust-proof. Right now it's mostly all in cardboard boxes as I'm between apartments. Oh well.
I'm definitely jealous of your awesome, AWESOME painting room! I've only seen one other gaming setup that I liked better, which was the one the fellow did up to look like a medieval saloon. I'm really jealous of the stand-up painting area, that was a stroke of genius.
Keep up the great work!
Very impressed with the dustproofing. Nice work on that.The lighing of the display is really good as well. Much, much better than I would have thought from an ebony coloured Billy.
I'm still using a regular old Detolf with a few LED spots as well as a smaller shelf for "recently finished and soon to be shipped to clients" stuff.
Both isn't dustproofed though (pretty much impossible with Detolfs as any Detolf owner will know. Yes, I really like the name Detolf. 😉 ) but it's not like many people take an interest in my armies anyway. 😛 So I have to dust off my Dark Elves and some other IG and display stuff every now and then.
Anyway, I like what you did with that Billy and the wide black stripe in the middle doesn't even distract too much. Just makes it look kind of classy even.
The main armies like Infinity figures, large parts of my IG armies and Space Orks I actually keep in their foam trays.
Nicely done. Good work making the extra effort to dust proof it too.
Your armies look nice in there and the case has a nice full look to it already. My own display case is one of the all glass ones from Ikea (can't remember the name). Not fully dust proofed, but then I haven't really had any problems that a dust every 3 months or so doesn't sort. It is far from full on any shelf anyway so taking minis out to dust the cabinet isn't really a problem for me.