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Hey guys, a few weeks ago I stumbled upon a new range of paints from a Cyprus based company called Warcolours and I was impressed.

I am always a easy pushover when it comes to trying out new brands, especially when I see colours that I do not already have in my collection.Warcolours paints come in 15ml bottles,which is slightly less in volume than Vallejo which is 17ml and cost around 1.70 Euros which is about £1.30 in the UK. The price is very good as I am currently paying about £1.70 for a Vallejo bottle. From what I have noticed all the bottles have a small ball inside them similar to Comm Art paints, which makes mixing the paint easy when shaking the bottles. I really like this feature.

The Warcolour paint range totals in at 92 separate colours, ranging from neutrals (see above – all available in handy groups of five corresponding hues), flurorescents and some very unique metallic shades:

Here are some quick tries on a sheet of paper:

My initial thoughts on using them is that I really like them. The colours can be thinned down for both brush work or airbrush. I was particularly impressed with how strong certain colours like the flurorescents and metallics are, as I needed only one coat to cover an area, without a second coat.

All in all I am really impressed with the Warcolours paints that I have and will be purchasing more. The only negative I can give is the bottles themselves are awful. They are hard and trying to get the paint out is difficult, even if you have strong hands. If they changed the bottles too a less stiff plastic I would be happy. Other than that I also look forward to trying them out more on some future projects. Highly recommended. Check out their shop here.

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