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Stahly: In this monthly section we want to recap the progress of our “Tale of Mega Painters” project, a motivational project by Garfy and me. Basically we want to push ourselves to paint up a Dark Eldar and Necron Megaforce respectively. In my case to start a new army, in Garfy’s case to expand his small collection of Necrons. More about “Tale of Mega Painters” can be found in our kick-off post here. Click “more after the jump” to review all the models we painted this month.


Stahly: The first third of July I was occupied with painting bikers for my Ultramarines, but then I managed to proceed to another unit of my Megaforce – Wyches. I assembled a unit of ten, painted a batch of three and went halfway through another two models. Just as I vowed last month and a little more.

For August, I’d like to complete the work on my Wyches. Once the unit is done, I’ll paint the remaining two Ultramarine bikers before I concentrate on the Ravager in September. I know that the next weeks are going to be pretty busy in my job, so hopefully I’ll find the the time and energy for enough hobby time.

Garfy: Whilst technically not part of a Megaforce, I was caught up in the excitement of apocalypse and purchased the awesome Tesseract Vault. This is a huge kit and I’m lavishing time and attention on it by painting it by hand and not using my airbrush for the blends. I suspect it’s going to take me the rest of August to finish it. After that I’ll return to the Megaforce and probably paint a Triach Stalker because I love the look of the model.

Are you painting a battleforce/megaforce and want to join in?

Now you can! Stahly and I would like to open this project up to everyone. If you’re a member of the Tale of Painters blog list and you’re blogging about a Games Workshop army we would love to feature  your models on the Tale of Painters blog. Send me an email at with a link to your blog and make sure you include a couple of pictures and a paragraph or two about your army project. We look forward to hearing from you.

Garfy's Get a Grip - now available on ebay