Having pushed the Space Orks aside for a bit (due to pressing deadline on these guys), I went back to finish the Mordheim warband.
These, obviously, are two archers and two crossbowmen, almost finished. I think I will leave them at this point and return when I do the last bits on the whole gang like making the bases look a bit more interesting, maybe add some dust or dirt to the shoes and such.
Have I mentioned that bit before about Mordheim being spelled “Mortheim” in the German version because GW wanted to avoid having the German word for “murder” (“Mord”) in the title? Same reasons everything is only a “Hel-somethingorother” now instead of “Hell-” I guess.Maybe also the reason behind the weird emergence of replacing Is with Ys in some unit names. Apart from turning Griffons into Gryphons of course. That’s just them being weird and silly I guess. 😉
Anyways, this is what I’ll do for the next few days – Mordheim! Really pretty models, the client wants them to look top notch.
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@Sigur : Ahhh its personal designed… I'm amazed and very much interested…
Sorry about the name 🙂
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@Pr0Golf3r: Sure, no problem. 🙂 What club are you member or?
@GeneralHobbyist's Workplace: (sorry, usually I type in the names but in your case I copy-pasted 😉 ) I made the masters and cast these bases along with some other sets of Bases and some 6mm terrain. They should be available via ebay or something shortly. Are you interested?
Can i know how the base was made to look like a stone pavement? is it Sculpted? Looks very real…
My club is about to start a Mordheim tourny and this is some good inspiration for the ones that are afraid to paint. Mind if i link it up on our forum? thanks.
Thank you. He's on holidays right now but I'm fairly positive that he'll like the results when he returns. 🙂
It appears that your client won't be disappointed either!