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Those who follow Tale of Painters will have by now seen a few larger and more showy Night Goblins, Squiqs and other models from my army that I have shared so far. But when you wish to field a Night Goblin army you will eventually have to paint a significant amount of these boys*.

This was the first unit of strictly Night Goblins I completed as part of my army refresh. In my old collection I didn’t have any bow boys, this time I wanted at least one to act as a bunker. I wasn’t too sure of the yellow for the army color still so this unit was my test for that before I got stuck in on the big 50 count blocks.

They are a mixture of the flat Skull Pass sculpts that I had in my old 7th edition box and the current NG kit. Mixed together they look great with lots of different poses and action. Once they were complete I decided that the yellow was a bit cartoony but I liked it anyways and wanted to go with it. Sometimes a bit cartoony is just what the game table needs.

*I know that we call them “boys” but can we really be sure? Has anyone ever looked under the robes? If you have and lived through the experience please do tell … I imagine it is a train wreck under there.