Of course the Avatar wasn’t going to stay pink, that was just the base colour. I was just trolling 😉 I didn’t want to paint the body like lava like you see it most of the time. Instead I went for a magenta glow as if the Avatar is burning with eldritch psychic energy. Magenta is also the spot colour I use for Witchblades and gems in my Iybraesil army, so it will compliment my army nicely.
The body was basecoated with VGC Squid Pink, thinned P3 Carnal Pink was then washed around the chest area and mouth. Then I layered Emperors’ Children, Wazdakka Red, Khorne Red, P3 Sanguine Base, P3 Sanguine Base with a little bit of black, and pure Abaddon Black. The more far away I moved from the chest, the darker I got. I’m quite happy with the effect, what do you think?
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I was all for it honestly…lol I want to make my avatar (Sadly the old metal one) look more like iron then magma.