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The last few weeks have been incredibly busy for me catching up on a ton of work that needed to be finished. Hence I have been a little quiet on the posting front. But that aside, I have caught up and have a bunch of new work that I will be showing in the coming weeks.
First up is a couple of models from a Warrior of Chaos army. The customer wanted me to paint them in a identical scheme to the Chaos Chariot and Dragon Ogres that I showed last year. As I remember it was not the most popular, but that’s what he wanted. Every so often I try when I can to experiment and personally I like it. It was quite a fun project as its the first fantasy models that I have painted in a while. What do you guys think?
ThirdEyeNuke is no longer an active contributor to Tale of Painters. However, you can still browse his archived posts by clicking on this banner.
The daemon prince particularly looks pretty thematic, colour scheme fits chaos well and is a different take than the standard prince with wings. I love the dragon ogre models as models (not the rules so much!) so this one is more than sold. Can you explain the idea behind the white on the lord as it seems to be hinting at something I'm not really seeing with the miniature?
The ogre and the toad are great. Love them.
The chaos lord with the whites? Not so much. He could have been a lot more menacing. Then again, if this is what the customer wants…
Wow, awesome miniatures! I really liked both chariots last year and those new ones will fit into the scheme just as well.
I really enjoy browsing through your gallery sometimes since your realistic style is very inspiring 🙂
Any chance we will see a tutorial? Doesn't need to be too much in-depth but a quick overview how you work would be really helpful 🙂
Thanks a lot, keep up the great work, cheers,
I truly love your "reduced palette – high contrast but smooth transitions – gritty"-style. And I actually took the time to review your postings on this site to see if I could honestly make my statement that general. Your way of painting looks great on all kinds of models but it works exceptionally well with Chaos miniatures. I would love to see your version of 40k era Emperor's Children Noise Marines as these seem to be one of the most challenging models to get right.
Hey thanks Novacoke, Its strange that you mentioned Noise marines as I have just a day ago finished the FW models from Horus Heresy. So I will post those up for the next few coming days. They turned out pretty alright to and purples not a colour that I use often.