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Hey all :). As you may of read a few days ago in the review of the Imperial Knights I picked up two of them to paint up. Finally almost a week later they are both finished and what a heavy duty project they both turned out to be. At first I thought the model would be a fairly easy painting project due to its large scale, but its actually quite a tricky model. The Imperial Knight above was painted in a color scheme from the House of Terryn.

I had to mask of a lot of the model to make sharp color separations and make templates for the grid sections on the shoulder pads. The Imperial Knights are also very transfer heavy and a lot of those transfers are quite tricky to apply. If you are planning on painting an Imperial Knight I would highly suggest leaving all the armor plates off the model to paint separately as it makes things easier. Overall I really enjoyed painting both of them and in my next post I will show the Imperial Knight I painted from the House of Raven. I have also put a video below in which we talk about the model. Has anyone else been painting the new Imperial Knight? What do you think?