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Hello everyone, it’s been quite a while since I’ve posted on here as this years been one busy and hectic year so far. Been doing painting here and there but my pace has been really slow. Lucky I’m still able to knock out some miniatures here and there. Without further ado here are my Stormcast Eternal Liberators from the Steel Souls warrior chamber of the Hallowed Knights storm host.

I’ve always loved the lore behind the Hallowed Knights and was intending to do the Bull Hearts with blue plumes instead of the Steel Souls. But I really wished to do bases in the Realm of Life thus my final decision to do Lord Celestant Gardus’s storm host. I didn’t want to try anything too fancy with these models, just painted well and going back to basics. The only thing I probably did differently was the silver armour. In the lore, the armour of the Hallowed Knights is known to have a blue light radiating from them so this one something I wished to convey as best as I can.

The details for how I painted the Liberator armour is in my other Stormcast post when I did a trial Liberator miniature. That Liberator now has four other companions. I hope you all like these Hallowed Knights. I really enjoyed painting them and really hope to be painting some more in the future.

I’ll it up here with an “ONLY THE FAITHFUL shout! Take care, everyone!