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With the excitement of being in White Dwarf this month, my hobby motivation is extremely high and I’m really enjoying painting at the moment. These traitors are my favourite sculpts from the new Chosen models. For simple push-fit models the details are incredible. More angles of these ruthless killers after the jump.

One of the things you might have noticed that is different from my first test mini is the base is now terracotta instead of black. I agree with some of the feedback I received and the black base edge and black armour was too much. I struggled to pick a colour that would work with my rusted plate metal bases and gaming boards. I was going to go for Skrag Brwn with is quite orangey, but in the end I settled for a more red like brown and used VGC terracotta, this colour also ties in with the cloth elements of the models. 

I will be starting the detailed photo tutorial now, if this interests you then make sure you bookmark us, follow us with your google accounts or/and on Facebook.

Garfy's Get a Grip - now available on ebay