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Don’t cross the streams! This is my third attempt painting the gun rods on my warriors. Attempt one was blue lightning, the second attempt was just glowing blue OSL and this third attempt is a straight rip off from Ghostbusters and I think I nailed it. Ok being a test mini it’s a little messy in places and a bit rough at this magnification, but I’m happy enough to proceed with the next 5 crons and refine the technique. Who you gonna call…
Garfy is a UK hobbyist with over twenty years experience. He's a regular contributor to White Dwarf Magazine including 4 Armies of the Month features and has written articles for the Warhammer Community site. He holds 3 UK Golden Demon finalist pins and 2 Armies on Parade Gold award. His other passion is photography and cinematography, which he uses to great effect to deliver high quality content to the blog.
Didn't sound harsh at all. I'm open to peoples views. Obviously it's impossible for me to agree with everyone where some people like it and some people don't.
I'm working away on the squad right this moment and it's going well. Can't wait to share with you guys.
Sounded probably a little harsh, but it just came to my mind when I saw them ; Nevertheless, I'm looking forward to see how the lightning effect looks like on a squad level.
I tried just pure blue lightning and it looked flat and dull. I also tried just a blue glow and that was too much bright white. General consensus is the ghostbuster theme is working.
Whilst I'm all for colour theory, I don't think an alien race would be worried if there were too many spot colours or if their weapons power outage clashed with their outfit. Sometimes you have to step away from colour theory and think not everything has to obey it. Plus the orange is similar to the red so it's not distracting at all in my opinion. If it was a green rod then I'd agree the red, blue and green would be too much.
I appreciate your input boss, but I'm going to go with the rule of cool and keep the ghostbuster guns (-:
The lightning bolts are freakingly good painted, but I feel the pattern is a bit toocomplicated and hard to recognise at an arm length. I also think the orange bolts interfere with your paint scheme, as you already got red and blue as spot colours. I'd remove the orange bolts and do more blue bolts. 😉
I never thought I'd see Ghost Busters married with Necrons, looks great.
I really, really like this effect.
uhmm… yeah, seriously cool. Always hated the green "look at me" plastic. This is a great alternative. Ghostbusters FTW!!!
Yup, the "ghostbusters" effect looks really good. Great use of colour and lighting. I think the OSL could be a little brighter though, just to emphasise the power output.