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I’ve added some magical might to my Stormcast army in the form of a Knight Incantor (above, left). In the pic above are all four of my characters from my force. Eagle eyed viewers would have noticed I’ve added a shield to my Lord Celestant on Dracoth. After the jump some close ups of my Knight Incantor.

This model comes free with the Getting Started with Age of Sigmar magazine, or maybe the magazine comes free with the model? Either way, he’s only £5 and an absolute bargain. 

I really enjoyed adapting my paint scheme for the Sacrosanct Chambers. I’m really happy with the placement of the white and purple cloth parts. It’s enough to make him standard out as slightly different but not enough to break the scheme. It still works! I did have to add a new colour to the scheme. The Spirit Flasks were painted blue to look like glass. They’re not too detracting luckily. Being a lowly Knight Incantor I was careful not to use any god paint on him. I’m saving that for the more important models. Another thing I’d like to point out is the detailed base doesn’t come with this model. I used the base from one of the crew of the Celestar Ballista. I thought it looked better on a character model.

Speaking of which the Celestar Ballista is next on my painting desk. Watch this space!

Garfy's Get a Grip - now available on ebay