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Today I’m showing the new Nagash model that I painted last week. The model is huge and I like it a lot as with all the new undead models that have been coming out. I tried to go with a darker to reflect the art work of the book. I really did not want him to come of looking cartoony. My best advice for this model is to paint it in separate parts and assemble it at the end. The model if fully built before painting would be quite difficult to get to certain area’s. And on top of that due to the scale of the models its also quite fragile. What do you think?
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nice… I am usually not the fan of your style of painting, but you nailed it on this modell! great!
do you have any idea, how you will transport that? or any advice, if you see any way of flexible assembly/dis-assembly option to do that?
Fantastic work as usual, and fast paintjob too. Kudos.
Now to wait for Garfy to paint it and post a tutorial on it 🙂
I couldn't come close to painting one as good as this.
Garfy you are being too modest. This can't hold a candle to one of your knights, for example.
To be honest both Garfy and TEN have completely different painting styles.As two artists they are polar opposites. Both are amazing. I think to say one is better than the other is just due to taste. TEN and Garfy are both very well known as being professional painters and have had work shown on various different sites and magazines etc.
Garfy, I find it sleazy that you would write a comment like that on something that is well received, unless you want to give this guy a negative like the doucher 2 above. Your a good painter and I'm sure if you picked up this model you would do a fantastic job. But to post I cant do better when you are a good painter is likely to entice a flame war against the person who posted his work. The guy who painted this is very talented as are you. But to write what you did after so many praises is only going to call a bunch of hateful comments like it has. I write this as anonymous as I dont want to attract trolls for what I have to say. And I've noticed your site recently has a lot of hate trolls lurking around. Its a shame as it used to be clean with the majority of people leaving a good vibe in comments.
I'm not being sleazy. Saying I can't paint a Nagash as good as this one is a huge positive comment to ThirdEyeNuke. I'm a big fan of his style and his work. I can't paint like him. I was giving him props.
I'm a fan of of ThirdEyeNuke. For people to accuse me of attacking him in a sleazy way is misinformed.
You know what, think whatever you like. I know what I meant.
This is why it's good to meet up with other painters in person at events. Conversations like this would be so simple, and followed by beers and great stories. 🙂
Love the color scheme! Pure awesome!
Simply put, that is a work of art. You have really outdone yourself on this one. I've seen a great deal of Nagash models jumping up on the net the last week and this is by far the best one I have seen. Any chance you could share some of the colors used? Theo
Looks good except for the staff.
That's pretty tasty looking 🙂
I was wondering when you would tackle this one. The aesthetic of the model seems to fit perfectly with your unique style. Nice work once again!
You nailed it!!! Way better than the GW color scheme. Love it.
This is pretty cool. I don't really like the base or the staff, but overall its a great atmospheric paint-job. Definitely not cartoony.
That looks great, love the darker scheme. Airbrush, brush, or a combo?
Absolutely lovely job. The black armor is fantastic. My only complain is that I want more photos :).
I've seen a few Nagash paintjobs now but this is my favorite so far. The dark tone really suits the model and combined with the OSL on the base just looks fantastic. My only critique would be the top of the staff that looks a little rushed and noticeably airbrushed. Fantastic work nonetheless.
That's perfect. 10 x better than the Eavy' Metal paintjob. You've ensured ol' Nagash is a dark and truly terrifying prospect to behold. Great job.
Great job, the black tips on the bone look excellent.
Now, THAT is Nagash.
It's difficult to believe that's only plastic with some paint on it. Amazing job.
Awesome paintjob on an awesome model. Great work as always!