Games Workshop called this set the Souldrain Forest, but painting this set didn’t drain my soul at all. It was a load of fun and only took a week to finish. Find out how I painted all this terrain so quickly after the jump.
The Ravaged Lands: Souldrain Forest is part of the Warcry range and includes cards, counters and a 22”x30” double-sided gameboard allowing you to use this set alongside the core set (or the rulebook as the core set is out of production now). The included plastic terrain pieces are six pieces of Awakened Wyldwood and 10 pieces of Dominion of Sigmar: Timeworn Ruins.
To paint the trees I assembled the trunks and sprayed them black. I then painted them Dryad Bark and drybrushed them with Baneblade Brown then Rakarth Flesh. The leaves I left on the sprue and sprayed them with Wraithbone and then use Contrast Creed Camo and Akhelian Green. The first coat of these was heavily thinned with Lahmian Medium. The second coat was straight from the pot. The bases of the trees I used the same greys and greens I use on my Slaves to Darkness bases and the Warcry Ruins.
The Dominion of Sigmar: Timeworn Ruins were undercoated with Wraithbone and then washed with Reikland Fleshshade. Then heavily drybrushed (almost wetbrushed if that makes sense) with Zamesi Desert. I then drybrush with Screaming Skull and then drybrush Wraithbone. The grey rubble is painted the same as the Wyldwood bases. All the skulls are just Wraithbone basecoat, then Contrast Skeleton Horde and then a quick drybrush of Wraithbone.
This set was the perfect break from painting miniatures. Quick and effective painting techniques meant a fast turn around for a good sized terrain collection. It left me with a good hobby achievement buzz. With new terrain it creates new options for environments for my miniature photography too.
Right back to the minis, I’ll be sure to paint some more terrain soon though.
Garfy’s Get a Grips available to order with same day dispatch here
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