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Hey all and hope you had a good St. Patricks Day yesterday 🙂 Today I bring the second Bloodthirster that I painted up. I tried to keep in a very similar scheme to the one that I showed the other day. I am actually quite glad that I have finished painting them as they both took a lot longer than I originally anticipated. But I think the end results paid off. I am now back again painting a small Nurgle army that I was previously working on before the Bloodthirsters. What do you think? Do many of you work on several projects at once to help keep things fresh?
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ThirdEyeNuke is no longer an active contributor to Tale of Painters. However, you can still browse his archived posts by clicking on this banner.
In my case I work with way too many parallel projects. My blog is a mess of WIP posts already! Not enough showcases. Hopefully that will be remedied soon.
Your gritty style works great with daemons like this. Always a pleasure to see you perform.
Going to give the blog a look.
Look super to me, i would like to see it alive cause is no easy to take pictures of this big winged boy!!
Yeah working on several projects is not easy…for someone like me who has short time to spend i mean, but i keep going…at least i don't get bored!
Awesome color choices! I especially like the black wing membranes. And that shade of red is so khornish! 😉
Hail from Finland!
– Jyri –
Hey thanks Jyri 🙂