Hey guys, hope all is good. Today I bring you the new Treeman Ancient that I painted up a few weeks ago. I painted the model as a breaker between finishing of a Tau army commission and beginning a Dark Elves army. He was a lot of fun to mess around with and I would recommend him to anyone for a painting project. The model itself is quite nice also. Other than that I’m just waiting for the new 40K 7th Edition. I’m kind of excited for the release as I’m hearing through the grapevine a lot of good changes. Not to hurt Mr Treemans feelings, but are you pumped up for the new 7th edition and what models etc it may bring?
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Not normally a big fan of your style (not denying the skill, just not my thing) but even I have to admit that is utterly gorgeous.
Hey Cheers Rob 🙂
I love what you've done with this. It's very elemental and ethereal looking. I like the subtle use of green, it just helps to remind us he is a tree. I like the pale white head, acts as a great focal point.
True work of art. You've out done yourself.
As for 7th edition. I'm still painting 2nd edition 😉 I am excited, but I'm in two minds about it. On one hand I really want it because I love GW literature. On the other hand I'm a little peeved my last book is obsolete after only 2 years and that cost £45 + £25 for the iPad version and I have the mini rule book from Dark Vengeance as well. Whilst the fluff is still relevant I don't think I got my money's worth from it. So I'm not sure about 7th edition. Shame really. Maybe I'll flog some models to pay for it so I don't have to worry about how much it cost?
Hey cheers, the 3 biggest things I'm looking forward to are vehicle survival, the end of Tau/Eldar and Tyranids being good.
The thing I dont like is Chaos Marines and Imperial Guard being non ally. I agree though with how long 6th lasted for. I had rarely touched the book, but hope to on the new one.Hopefully 🙂
We should totally meet up for a game. Imagine our different painting styles facing off against each other on a gaming table. I think the readers of this blog would love to see that 🙂 I know I would.
Garfy, I'm afraid Chris has to paint his army first : )
Maybe start off small, 500pt game? Planning a game is a great incentive to finish a force.
Do you play Ksusha? My wife Jo doesn't. She humours me with the odd game of the Hobbit but that's about it.
I play a little, but unfortunately nor me nor Chris ever have time to play nowadays. I hate to admit, but I think it's been a year since we had a game last : ( It's all about painting for us!
Well, if you both ever fancy a game let me know 🙂
Hey Garfy, I'd be up to play in say maybe a month. I've painted a bunch of vehicles and a hq. I've just got to paint troops and I'll be done. Ksusha right in that I'm mostly bogged down with work but I keep wanting to have a game. I think photographing it like you did with Cat would make a good article. I'll let you know when I'm done
Just got back from London comic con and picked up Mortarion, Horus and some Imperial Fist models. The FW stand was pretty good.
that. is. stunning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey thanks 🙂