This is the Farseer I painted recently. There are two little conversions on him, first I replaced the helmet with a bare head from the High Elf Lord on Dragon sprue. Also I took the left hand with the Shuriken Pistol from my other Farseer and gave it to this one. This change reflects the options in the army list better. Hit “more after the jump” for a couple more shots including a better view on the lightning effect on the Witchblade.
With my two Farseers painted, I imagine that this one is a younger Eldar with a more energetic personality. He probably treads the path of the Farseer for a short time and was a Warlock before. My other Farseer is older and sports a more authotorian guiding pose.
Painting him was good fun. Apart from the face and the eyes, which took several tries to get them right. The detail wasn’t very pronounced in the plastic sculpt, plus the Army Painter Pure Red tends to be a bit on the thick side. Not a combination that lends itself to easy painting. But there he is. What do you think? Tell me your thoughts in the comments!
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Cheers mates. Yeah the face and especially the pronounced bottom lip is a bit strangely sculpted, but in real life at an armlength it looks ok.
Incredible paint job! Shame about the face though…looks kinda like a blow up doll lol.
yo, other than the face, this paint job is friggin awesome.
stellar paint job
This is a beautifully painted model with a rather silly looking facial expression. You did a fantastic job on the painting. Really very nice. GW just hasn't done high elves very well. Most of the models don't have the elegance that they were going for. There is always something ape-like about them.