Look at my horse. My horse is amazing.

To round off the Death-Korps-alooza today I present you with a showcase piece I made for the same client I did all the DKoK guys I posted recently for.

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As you can see I went with a much more traditional look on the Commissar than on the other one I did for this army. Black coat, red and golden details – can’t beat it. 

Right from the start I wanted to go with a white horse for the guy because it would make for a natural focal point and I thought it would work really well as a contrast for the dark Commissar and base.


 Last but not least a white horse is a rather pretty thing to look at, and I liked the idea of how disfigured – physically by wounds and poison as well as visually by this gas mask over its head – and obviously strained by all that war silliness going on. That stuff has a tendency to destroy pretty things which didn’t choose to get tossed into that whole situation as we all know.

On a side note – as I researched the look of various things I also spent some time looking up skin conditions on horses. Not a very fun subject to research at all. It reminded me of when I have to look up various states of rotting flesh for painting Nurgle models and similar stuffs.

Back to lighter subjects: Here’s the same model with a white background, reenacting a classic scene from Disney’s Alladdin. 😛


Right, I hope that you liked the pictures and that you like the way the model looks. 🙂 

If you would like to have a showcase piece like this of your own, feel free to contact me via Facebook or E-mail!