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Hey all and hope you are preparing or already have started a well earned Christmas holidays break. Today I’m showing a couple of Forge World Ork Kill Bursta tanks.
Not certain why these are suddenly so popular but I have been asked to paint a fair few of these over the last couple of months. I’m guessing they are are pretty good game wise!!! Anyway I have been painting a lot of Orks, Khorne and Admech over the last few weeks. Its been pretty hectic. For these ones I played very similar to what Forge World did with the colour scheme in Imperial Armour painting manuals. The models by the way are very heavy and real pain to put together. What do you think so far?
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You dont need to, just pick up Imperial armour from from Forge World and it tells you how.
It does look fantastic. I would love to have a video tutorial of something like this to see how you achieve your effects!
Ha ha :)it's okay. I think when I finish it I will take photos during the daytime as they would be a lot sharper. I'm not happy with these photos. But yeah its basically FW Imperial Armour paint guide stuff. Cheers dude 🙂
THAT IS INCREDIBLE. The weathering is off hyper realistic. Imagine this photographed/photoshopped into real world setting. I'd be convinced it was real.