Hi Everyone, Tom again. This week I am going to show my Stormstrike Chariot – one of a pair I own for my growing Stormcast Eternals army.

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I went for the Celestial Warbringers for my paint scheme, as you may have in the post on Lord Commander Bastian Carthalos. I do this with a base of Screamer Pink, a shade of Naggaroth Night and highlights of Pink Horror, Emperors Children and Fulgrim Pink. When putting the model together I chose the spear option, and added a little weathering to them using Blood for the Blood God.

My favourite part of the model to paint was the pair of Gryph-Chargers pulling the model at the front. Here I tried to go for a Snow Leopard theme for the cat section of the model, and a generic brown eagle with bright beak to stand out. The cat section was basecoated white, with the flanks then painted Ushtabi Bone. Some spots and circles were painted on using Rhinox Brown, getting smaller the further down the legs they got.

For the cover photos I wanted to evoke a dawn charge in Ghur. I did this with a combination of blue and orange lights on the background (very sunrise-esque), and a combination of trees and ruins in the foreground to feel like the Realm of Beasts. The foreground ruins also have the advantage of hiding the edge of the models base, making it feel more like part of the scene.

Like this model? Want to see some of my other Stormcast, or the many other armies I paint? Check out my Instagram.