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Hi all, It’s Ksusha here with another painting video and this time it’s for a Astra Militarum Wyvern. Although the techniques that I am using are also good for other vehicles across the 40k armies.
In this video I tackle a sandy colour scheme with camouflage design. I also show how to paint the weapons and weathering techniques.
Vehicles are probably one of the easiest type of models to paint, they are quite big and can look rather old and dirty, so no matter how messy your paint job is or any mistakes that you’ve made, it will still look fine at the end.
What do you guys think, have you found it useful?
ThirdEyeNuke is no longer an active contributor to Tale of Painters. However, you can still browse his archived posts by clicking on this banner.
Very useful! Thanks for taking the time to do this.
I had been a bit intimidated by some vehicles I needed to paint but this tutorial gave me some great ideas and methods I didn't think of. I really had no idea how to weather the camo – didn't really understand the hairspray trick until I watched you use it. Thanks!
Great tutorial!
Chris is really the painter at TEN. I know how to paint, but I'm still learning myself! Will try to make a new video soon, although it's hard to find time, as they are much harder to make than it looks : P
Ksusha is not thirdeyenuke she works with him! I think maybe Ksusha should get her own login like Ksusha-ThirdEyeNuke or something, because I think her content is different and still awesome, and still represents the thirdeyenuke studios.
I can't wait to watch this! Also – could I request a 'minimalist' style tutorial next time, i.e. the black/ white/ like the recent demon that was painted? Really keen to understand how you guys do your blacks and whites.
your a women?? :O . "schocker" :p
Thanks for taking the time to do this tutorial. Will