In today’s post, I share with you a tutorial to paint the Furies from the Warcry boxed game pictured above. More after the jump!
This tutorial assumes you have a basic understanding of how to paint. For the beginners, I will explain the techniques as I go along. Each picture below shows four chronological steps. Underneath each picture are the corresponding instructions. Each step shows the paint I used during that step.
Paints you will need for this tutorial:
Grey Seer Undercoat Spray
Contrast Medium (technical)
Lahmian Medium (technical)
Kislev Flesh (layer)
Bugman’s Glow (base)
Ushabti Bone (layer)
Basilicanum Grey (Contrast)
Leadbelcher (base)
Nuln Oil (shade)
Stormvermin Fur (layer)
Rhino Hide (base)
Khorne Red (base)
Evil Suns Scarlet (layer)
Zandri Dust (base)
Skeleton Horde (Contrast)
Administratum Grey (layer)
Blood Angels Red (contrast)
1. Undercoat the terrain with Greyseer Contrast spray. Usual rules with spray apply, shake the can well for over 3 minutes. Wear a respirator or dust mask at a push. Spray outside in well-ventilated area. Check can for best ambient temperature spray conditions. Don’t spray close, don’t spray far away. Around 30 to 50cm away is fine.
2 Paint the wing membranes, front of the torso, inside the thighs and the underside of the tail with Kislev Flesh.
3. Mix two parts Contrast Medium with one part Bugman’s Glow on your palette. Don’t use a wet palette. Water doesn’t work with Contrast paints. Use a white ceramic tile. Paint over the Kislev Flesh areas liberally with the thinned shade.
4. Thin Ushabti Bone with a little Lahmian Medium and highlight the flesh areas.
5. Paint the remaining skin areas with Basilcanum Grey. You can slightly overlap the flesh colour with the first layer of Basilcanum Grey. Once this is dry, repeat this process another two times but don’t paint over the overlap.
6. Paint the dagger with Leadbelcher. Thin the Leadbelcher with a touch of Lahmian Medium to help paint the metal on smoothly.
7. Apply Nuln Oil shade all over the dark grey skin and the dagger.
8. Using a detail brush, paint some fine highlight lines on the grey skin using watered down Stormvermin Fur.
9. Paint a ragged pattern on the top of the wing membrane using Rhinox Hide.
10. Using Khorne Red paint the ragged pattern again, this time leaving Rhinox Hide as the outline.
11. Highlight the previous layer with Evil Sunz Scarlett. Thin this with a little Lahmian Medium to help soften the edges and blend it into the previous layer. This might take two layers.
12. Paint all the horns, claws, teeth and spikes with Zandri Dust. You can also dot the eyes with Zandri Dust.
13. Use Contrast Skeleton Horde all over the the previous Zandri Dust layer. If it starts pool in one place, wick it away with a spare clean brush before it dries.
14. Paint some thin lines of Ushabti Bone on the horns, claws, teeth and spikes to highlight. Thin the paint with water so it flows from the brush bristles easier, it’s better for painting thin lines.
15. Highlight the beard, face and the grey skin with Administratum Grey. Nice and thin lines are perfect.
16. Dot the eyes with Blood Angels Red straight from the pot. Then mix 4 parts Contrast Medium with 1 part Blood Angels Red and paint the inside wing membranes with the thinned red paint.
To finish your model, paint the base. I painted my base with Agrax Earthshade, then Ork Flesh Contrast and dry brushed with Celestra Grey. The base rim is painted with Stormvermin fur.
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After 3 layers of Basilikanum Grey the model is pitch black. Did you forget to mention to mix it with contrast or something?